Is Bitboost a layer 2 of Bitcoin?

When we mention "layer 2", it usually refers to rollups. Bitboost's design is inspired by rollups but has the following differences.

Bitboost's state roots are not synchronized to Bitcoin, so they are not validated on Bitcoin through validity proofs or fraud proofs. Since Bitcoin does not have smart contracts, it lacks the ability to validate state roots. Therefore, we cannot establish a trustless 1:1 asset-pegged bridge between Bitboost and Bitcoin. This conclusion applies to other Bitcoin layer 2 solutions as well.

In Bitboost, assets are connected to Bitcoin in an economic manner. There is a PSBT mempool where users can submit PSBTs to sell Bitboost's native token for BTC or other Bitcoin assets like BRC-20. This works like a decentralized order book, creating an economic bridge between Bitboost and Bitcoin.

Why Bitboost is Bitcoin's co-processor?

GPU is commonly referred to as a co-processor of CPU, where CPU can delegate computationally intensive display tasks to GPU, and after GPU completes the computation, it returns the results to the user through the screen. Similarly, Bitcoin delegates the processing tasks of on-chain assets to Bitboost. After Bitboost completes the processing, it returns the results to users through Ethereum-compatible APIs.

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